Tuesday, June 1, 2021

TRAGIC LIES (Rixon High #2) by L.A. Cotton

 TRAGIC LIES (Rixon High #2) by L.A. Cotton

Release Date: June 8th
Genre/Tropes: Age gap, forbidden romance

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He framed my face with his hands, eyes searching mine, deep and intense. “What?” I whispered, my heart stuttering in my chest so much it felt hard to breathe.

“You slay me, Peyton.”

And then he kissed me.

His hand curved around the back of my neck, gripping me possessively as Xander licked and teased the seam of my mouth, coaxing me to let him in. My hands fisted his hoodie as I fell willingly into him, the feel of his lips, the heat of his body beneath me.

“Xander,” I breathed, kissing him harder, deeper. Our tongues slid together, slow and searching. Xander’s fingers twined in my hair and he yanked gently, giving him better access to trail hot open-mouthed kisses over my jaw and down my throat.

“I must taste lovely,” I chuckled, all too aware that I’d just worked a six-hour shift at Cindy’s Grill.

Xander met my gaze, pure need glittering there. “You think I care?” He rolled his hips, showing me exactly how much he didn’t care.

A bolt of lust shot through me.

“More,” I panted.

But I saw the torment in his eyes. Xander wouldn’t cross that line. Not here, not yet. But God, I needed him to touch me. I needed something to tamp down the flames threatening to burn me inside out.

Feeling a lick of confidence, I shifted above him slightly and then lowered myself down. Right over him. His throaty growl made my skin vibrate, sending delicious shivers shooting through me.

“Fuck, Peyton.” His hands slid to my ass again, pulling my body closer, rocking me against his hard length. “This is dangerous...”

“We’re not doing anything.” I leaned in, smirking against his mouth as I kissed him. “Not really.”

He chuckled darkly, kissing me back with as much desperation as I felt.

This wasn’t wrong.

It wasn’t.

How could it be wrong when it felt so right?

He's not the hero of her story... no matter how much she wants him to be.

From bestselling author LA Cotton, comes a forbidden age-gap romance. Angst... drama... friendship... and football. Will you survive senior year?

Amazon US: https://amzn.to/33cotck
Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3ufhAmC
Apple Books: https://apple.co/2Sol8oA
Nook: https://bit.ly/337MHV5
Universal: https://books2read.com/rixonhigh2

Read the series prequel FREE:

Start the series now with OFF-LIMITS #1!
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2KXvqIX
Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/3ocdk4f
Apple: http://apple.co/3b0yv5v 
Kobo: http://bit.ly/3rMtrrr 
Nook: https://bit.ly/3hB81Zz

Peyton Myers has always been the life of the party.

But behind her smile and sass is a girl lost and alone, searching for her place in the world.

Xander Chase has always been on the outside looking in.

But behind his cool indifference and hard exterior is a guy afraid to open his heart to anyone.
When he saves Peyton from a tragic accident, their lives are entwined forever. But Xander's not the hero of her story... no matter how much she wants him to be.

She’s a girl with her whole life ahead of her.

He’s a guy who is drifting through life.

And although these two lost souls might be able to heal each other, there's one glaring problem.

She's still in high school...

And completely forbidden.

About the Author:
Author of over thirty mature young adult and new adult novels, LA COTTON is happiest writing the kind of books she loves to read: addictive stories full of teenage angst, tension, twists and turns.

Home is a small town in the middle of England where she currently juggles being a full-time writer with being a mother/referee to two little people. In her spare time (and when she’s not camped out in front of the laptop) you’ll most likely find LA immersed in a book, escaping the chaos that is life. 

Connect w/L.A. Cotton: 
Website: https://www.lacotton.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorlacotton
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/LACottonReadersGroup
Twitter: https://twitter.com/authorlacotton
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authorlacotton
B+M: https://bookandmainbites.com/authorlacotton
Goodreads: http://geni.us/T95Lbk
Amazon: https://amazon.com/author/lacotton
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/l-a-cotton
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@authorlacotton
NL Signup: lacotton.com/subscribe

Darkest Lies by Bella Shay


๐—ฃ๐—ฅ๐—˜๐—ข๐—ฅ๐——๐—˜๐—ฅ + ๐—š๐—œ๐—ฉ๐—˜๐—”๐—ช๐—”๐—ฌ

Release June 12th ➜ Darkest Lies by Bella Shay is available now for #PreOrder 

๐Ÿ’Ž Amazon US: https://amzn.to/3wL513q

๐Ÿ’Ž Amazon CA: https://amzn.to/34u2jD8

๐Ÿ’Ž Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3wIAhzL

๐Ÿ’Ž Amazon AU: https://amzn.to/3fy3jML

#Goodreads ➜ https://tinyurl.com/Darkest-Lies

#Giveaway ➜ https://bit.ly/3yIx84S

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The Reaper Incarnate (Reaped Book 1) C.A. Rene & R.E. Bond

 The Reaper Incarnate (Reaped Book 1) @c.a.rene & @author.re.bond 

#AvailableNow #ReviewinComments



The Reaper is hot on your tail,

What have you done?

You’ve made it onto her list,

Who did you hurt?

The hunt is just the beginning,

How far can you run?

Your soul is hers to reap,

Where can you hide?

Watch out for her scythe,

Why do you cry?

The life of a vigilante is meant to be a lonely one,

Roaming darkened streets and collecting secrets.

Until the four of them forced their way into mine,

Stirring up feelings I didn’t know I had.

But if they try to fuck with my plans,

My pretty knife will be through their throats and my bloody scythe on their foreheads.

❤❤❤REVIEW ❤❤❤

"I am no fucking saint, but someone has to right the wrongs of those who have no remorse for their actions." Selene, aka The Reaper Incarnate, has made it her job to hunt down the most vicious, most vile predators in the city. She defends those who have been abused and violated. When she stumbles upon a human trafficking ring, she cons her way into the heart of the beast to shut that sh*t down. What she didn't expect was to gain help with an unlikely alliance, who shares a common goal. Holy crap! Okay, where to begin? First of all, Fan-freaking-tastic story. This was even better the second time around. I couldn't put this down. Selene sort of gave me a Baby Firefly (House of 1000 corpses) vibe. This had everything, from MM, blood play, knife play, hunting down predators, revenge, Reverse Harem,MFM, etc. "I hope you’re ready, Selene. My boys are coming for you." The boys, what can I say? Hooooot, psychotic, possessive. Everything that perfectly matches our badass lady. Santos, though, stood out the most. I love him soooo much! I hope we get more time with the other guys. “I don’t give a fuck about your filthy money. No one touches my fucking baby girl!” legit Swoon C.A. Rene and R.E Bond have created one of my favorite reads of the year. When I found out this was turning into a series, I was super ecstatic. I will soooo recommend this to anyone who loves this genre. I seriously can't wait to read more!! I received an ARC and voluntarily gave my honest opinion and review

Monday, May 31, 2021

REVIEW: Blurred Boundaries by Dawn Edwards



I colored inside the lines.
Dotted my i's and crossed my t's.
Avoided connections, limited questions, and didn’t get personal.
Playing it safe kept my identity hidden.

What was meant to be a working holiday had me straying from the safety of the sidelines.
He tempted me, and I fell – hard 
Throwing caution to the wind and my rules out the window

Keep it light, no strings, no expectations
What could go wrong? It wasn't like I'd see him after my vacation...

For years my rules kept the attention off of me. 
That was until he walked into class.

As a varsity athlete, I believed practice made perfect.
I was a player on and off the field.

I had planned to work on my techniques for years to come.
Who could have predicted the impact of my casual holiday hookup?

Falling for her wasn’t part of the game plan.
She insisted on no contact after we left the island – I reluctantly agreed.
Imagine our surprise when we ended up in the same classroom.
Screw the optics. Screw the blurred boundaries.
Relegation to any zone that puts me out of her bed isn’t an option.
To hell with her rule book...I’m competitive by nature and won’t stop until she’s mine. 

#newrelease #needtoreaditnow #readmoreromance #wildfiremarketingsolutions

๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›REVIEW ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›

Wren and Eli initially met on a trip to a resort. They instantly connected and the chemistry was oh so hot. Having to get back to real life, Wren was helping out a friend on maternity leave and agreed to substitute her classes. What she didn't expect was to see Eli, a student in her class.
   This was a really good read. You have Teacher/Student, reverse age gap, Forbidden/taboo Relationship, Sports Romance. It also touches on darker subjects such as addiction, depression, assault.
  This is the first book in The Bookworm Beauties Series. This is my first story by Dawn Edwards and I'm very intrigued with this series. I can't wait to read Cassy's story!
  I received an ARC and voluntarily gave my honest opinion and review

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

TEASER: Hot Summer School Nights Anthology

 ๐Ÿ”ฅ☀️๐Ÿ’•  ๐—ง๐—˜๐—”๐—ฆ๐—˜๐—ฅ ๐—•๐—Ÿ๐—”๐—ฆ๐—ง!! ๐Ÿ’•☀️๐Ÿ”ฅ
All these amazing authors are coming together for a charitable cause and give you this limited time exclusive anthology!!
You can pre-order now, on all the main retailers, for only 99 cents! The price will be increasing after release so don't miss out and order your copy today.
๐˜ผ๐™ก๐™ก ๐™ฃ๐™š๐™ฌ ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™š๐™ญ๐™˜๐™ก๐™ช๐™จ๐™ž๐™ซ๐™š ๐™š๐™ฃ๐™š๐™ข๐™ž๐™š๐™จ-๐™ฉ๐™ค-๐™ก๐™ค๐™ซ๐™š๐™ง๐™จ, ๐™—๐™ช๐™ก๐™ก๐™ฎ ๐™ง๐™ค๐™ข๐™–๐™ฃ๐™˜๐™š ๐™จ๐™๐™ค๐™ง๐™ฉ ๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™ค๐™ง๐™ž๐™š๐™จ ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™ฅ๐™ง๐™š๐™ซ๐™ž๐™š๐™ฌ๐™จ ๐™—๐™ฎ:

Lianne Cotton
Siobhan Davis
Ashley Jade
Piper Lawson
Tracy Lorraine
Michelle Mankin
Daniela Romero
Ginger Scott
Ivy Smoak
Becca Steele
Shantel Tessier

*This is a limited release anthology with all digital profits benefiting a national, independent Australian children's charity.

Amazon universal: https://geni.us/HotSummerSchoolNights

Text HOT BOOK to 33777 for a release text (US only) 1 lucky subscriber will receive a paperback of the anthology on release day

$50 ++ Book Giveaway https://promosimple.com/ps/10bf8/hot-summer-school-nights
#summernights #hotsummer #summerschool #comingsoon #needtoreaditnow #readmoreromance

TEASER: The Virgin Game Plan by Lauren Blakely


THE VIRGIN GAME PLAN, an all-new sexy standalone forbidden sports romance, from #1 NYT Bestseller @LaurenBlakelyBooks is coming June 9th!!! 

Preorder your copy today!! 

✦ Kindle ➜   https://blkly.pub/KindleGamePlan

✦ Apple ➜ https://blkly.pub/AppleGamePlan 

✦ Nook ➜ https://blkly.pub/NookGamePlan

✦ Kobo ➜ https://blkly.pub/KoboGamePlan 

✦ Google ➜  https://blkly.pub/GoogleGamePlan

✦Audible ➜Sign up for an alert for this Jason Clarke & Ava Erickson audiobook: subscribepage.com/LaurenAudio


A sexy standalone forbidden sports romance from #1 NYT Bestseller Lauren Blakely!

The woman I want is as off-limits as they come.

I had an excuse two years ago when I met her on campus. She interviewed me for a story on major league baseball's rising stars, and we shared a hot, passionate night that ended far too soon, and without a mention of who her father was.

Now I know the innocent but sexy woman I can’t stop thinking about is the coach's daughter.

That means her dad is the guy who determines if I bat fourth in the starting lineup in every game, or ride the bench.

All the more reason to resist alluring, confident, brainy Reese every time I run into the reporter-turned-sports publicist.

That ought to be easy enough, until the time she confesses she's still carrying her V card, and she’s been wanting me to cash it in since the day we met.

Staying away from her is going to be harder than resisting a fastball down the middle.

Especially since I'm pretty sure she's the one who got away, and letting her slip through my fingers again would be a rookie mistake.

#teaserreveal #thevirgingameplan #standalone #laurenblakely #sportsromance #preorder #ckprpromo @candikanepr

TEASER: Fall hard (Dating Season #3) by Laurelin Paige & Kayti McGee


FALL HARD, the third book in Dating Season by @LaurelinPaige and @Kayti.McGee.Author is coming May 31st! 


 They say autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go… but I’m keeping Ryan’s beard.  

Past Chloe has a lot to answer for. She’s made a number of questionable decisions, but drunkenly turning Ryan down on a dating app? Currently top of my list. 

I love fall most of all, but oh my gourd, Ryan’s beard is fast becoming a close second. 

Luckily, he’s ready to give me a second chance. We have everything in common, from art to weird history facts to the correct opinions about Titanic. And boy, does he know how to pumpkin spice it up in the bedroom.  

We could easily be the cutest new couple in Boulder… if we ever leave his place.

Episode three of six in the Dating Season.



Spring Fling #1 is AVAILABLE NOW!!

Amazon: https://geni.us/SpringFlingAmazon

Apple Books: https://geni.us/SpringFlingApple

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Release Date: May 31st

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Review: Owned by the Lost boys by AJ Merlin

 ๐Ž๐–๐๐„๐ƒ ๐๐˜ ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐‹๐Ž๐’๐“ ๐๐Ž๐˜๐’ by AJ Merlin. it's a contemporary RH with a Peter Pan twist. ๐Ÿฉธ kink ๐Ÿฉธ MM/MFM ๐Ÿฉธ bondage ๐Ÿฉธ a...